Architectural Photography Studio Tarry & Perry are the First to Document the Completed ‘Concrete House’ as Featured on Grand Designs

Step inside this perfect concrete monolith with us today for Project of the Week before it is revisited on Grand Designs this February. If it feels familiar to you, you probably spotted the unfinished home on the show in 2018. This brute is back, finished up, and photographed for the first time since its completion by the incredible architectural photography studio Tarry and Perry.

Explore This Cedar-Clad Californian Beauty With Photographer Tim Melideo

Happy Friday and welcome to sunny Solana Beach! Today, we’re checking out the work of California based photographer Tim Melideo. Tim has been gracious enough to share a heap of insight into this project, so I’ll let him take it away! Tim kicks things off by explaining “Seaside Reef was a project by my architect friend Alec Petros of Alec Petros Studio.

Annika Feuss Shows Off A Perfect Vacation Villa in the Portuguese Countryside

We could all use a little trip these days, so this week, Cologne-based architectural photographer Annika Feuss is taking us on a visual vacation to Villa Extramuros. Extramuros is a Villa-Hotel in Arraiolos, Portugal, and Annika shows off its gorgeous graphic shape, tranquil interior, fruit trees, and relaxing air, just perfectly!

Andy Macpherson Walks Us Through Photographing The Magnificent Prospect Terrace In Brisbane

I can’t think of a better way to kick off a new year of Project of the Weeks than with our friend, the great Andy Macpherson. Today, we’re traveling to sunny Brisbane, Australia to check out Andy’s photographs of Prospect Terrace. Prospect Terrace is a gorgeous project worked on by architect The Artificial, developer Zephyr Industries, and landscape architect LARC Collective.

Felix Gerlach Photographs A Sculptural Swedish Rail Station Entrance for Tengbom

This week’s featured project comes to us from Sweden and showcases a lovely piece of civic architecture designed by the architects at Tengbom. This small scale project in Helsingborg — the Southern Entrance of the Helsingborg Central rail station (Knutpunkten) — is a prime example of how aesthetic minimalism can still pack big functionality in architecture.

Tom Harris Uses Gorgeous Light to Chisel Out the Shapely Visual Arts Center at University of Iowa

We’re back with “Project of the Week” veteran Tom Harris! Today we’re checking out Tom’s gorgeous photographs of The University of Iowa’s Visual Arts Center designed by Steven Holl Architects. This project is a perfect example of how the time of day and lighting conditions affect both the mood of your photograph and the appearance of the architecture itself.

Explore The Polish Vistula Cabin With Warsaw Based Photographer Nate Cook

The Vistula is the longest river in Poland, and today we’re taking you on a little adventure there to check out a gorgeous cabin designed by Kama Czudowska. Warsaw based photographer Nate Cook was invited to stay at the Vistula Cabin, getting to document it throughout varying lighting conditions with little rush on his compositions.

Pippa Drummond Shows Off The Quiet Charm of RTA Studio’s E-Type House

If you’ve ever paged through Dwell or looked at a Herman Miller catalog, you’re already familiar with the work of New York based photographer Pippa Drummond. Pippa’s work is riddled with thoughtful compositions and post-processed in a way that lets the spaces speak for themselves.

Photographing California’s Prison Architecture With Chip Allen

I was perusing Instagram when I came upon a beautiful mid-century residential project photographed by California based architectural photographer Chip Allen. When I hopped over to his website, I learned that he has photographed some incredibly cool — and seemingly odd — civic architecture projects.

Maxime Brouillet Photographs An Angular Modern Cabin On the St. Lawrence River

Here on America’s East Coast, Fall weather is starting to creep in and I am officially looking forward to snow. If you’re hankering for the same cozy winter feel as me, I’ve got the perfect project for you to check out. Architectural photographer Maxime Brouillet was kind enough to share his beautiful photographs of Cabine A by one of my favorite Canadian architects, Bourgeois/Lechasseur.

Explore a Dual Faceted Montreal Bar with Atelier Welldone

If you love punchy colors, dark and moody interiors, and showcasing the utilization of space, today’s Project of the Week is for you! Today we’re checking out the Montreal bar Minéral by Blanchette Architectes. While the sun is in the sky, Minéral is a beautiful wine bar.
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