Photographing A Former Post-Office- Turned-Sushi-Spot With Interiors Photographer Felix Speller

In an unassuming late-modernist building in Saint John’s Wood near the legendary Abbey Road crossing, sits Maido Sushi. Once an old post office, this architectural gem was given quite the facelift by Child Studio. Careful to preserve the original modernist charm, but introduce “a subtle blend of European and Japanese design influences” to the interior, Child Studio crafted a perfectly balanced space.

Architectural Photographer Garey Gomez Makes A Parking Deck Look Magical

Today’s top-notch POTW is a parking garage. Yep…a parking garage. This story is full of drama, with stray bullets delaying the shoot date and Garey and his assistant hauling gear all over the streets of Atlanta! That’s right, today we are checking out the gorgeous work of Georiga-based architectural photographer Garey Gomez.

Photographing Desert Modern Architecture With Roehner + Ryan

We’re back with the Arizona-based super duo Roehner + Ryan for this week’s featured project! Today we are taking a look at their ultra clean, ultra sexy, ultra gorgeous photographs of NVK Design’s Osborn Residence. Jason Roehner shares that Osborn Residence came about when “the owner bought an older ranch style home to tear down.

Tom Blachford Takes Us Back To The Future of Japan In “Nihon Noir”

Welcome back to another rad Project of the Week by Australian architectural photographer Tom Blachford! If, like me, you also drooled over the series Midnight Modern where he photographed Palm Spring’s finest by the light of the full moon, you can expect more nighttime shenanigans from Tom’s second personal project Nihon Noir.

Garett Buell Walks Us Through Photographing a Tiny Home on an Amish Apple Farm

I love the expansive scope of what architecture photography can be. Garett Buell of StudioBuell‘s work is a prime example. Some days he’s in Nashville shooting “Gilly Huts,” other’s he photographing penthouses downtown, but today Garett is taking us on a fun departure from sprawling mod mansions and skyscrapers to a snowy Amish apple orchard in Pennsylvania.

Photographing Contemporary Mexican Architecture with Ariadna Polo

Buckle up! Today’s Project of the Week takes us to Querétaro with architectural photographer Ariadna Polo. We’ll be taking a look at some dreamy photographs of a contemporary piece of Mexican architecture — MM House by architect Matthew Schmidt. Ariadna kicks things off by sharing with us “It was a great session, MM House is located in a small 9 house complex that was designed by the same architect, Mathew Schmidt.

A Serene Set of Spanish Interiors As Photographed By Tomeu Canyellas

This week’s featured project takes us back to Spain with architectural photographer Tomeu Canyellas. Tomeu has a brilliant set of photographs of OD House for Jorge Bibiloni Studio. Tomeu is the king of great compositions and repetition through leading lines.

Brian Ferry Photographs the Pinwheel Inspired “Dutchess County” by GRT Architects

On a Sunday morning back in the fall, I was paging through Dwell, scouring it for ideas to inform my own home remodel, and came across GRT Architects Dutchess County, which is a gorgeous piece of architecture. The only thing I loved more than the house though, was its photographs, expertly crafted by New York based photographer Brian Ferry.

Catalin Marin of Momentary Awe Documents Foster and Partners New ‘House of Wisdom’ in Sharjah

Catalin Marin of Momentary Awe is back on Project of the Week with another extraordinary set of images of an epic building! Today we’ll be checking out his photographs of Foster and Partners The House of Wisdom. He kicks things off by telling us “Sharjah, one of the UAE’s seven emirates has been investing heavily in cultural institutions in the last few years and in 2019 held the UNESCO World Book Capital title.

Nikola Olic Travels the Globe Crafting Abstract Architectural Images

We’re shaking things up this Project of the Week with a very cool series put together by photographer Nikola Olic. Nikola is a Serbian photographer living in Dallas, Texas, and has compiled a project in which architectural photography is combined with “abstract structural quotes that reimagine their subjects in playful, dimensionless and disorienting ways.”

Michael Kai Photographs A Remodeled Victorian Home In Melbourne

Today we’re being treated to a little tour of a house called Windsor Terrace by Melbourne-based photographer Michael Kai. Michael specializes in advertisements, portraits, and architecture. His work is very cool and complex, and this particular project is the embodiment of that.

Dave Burk Masterfully Photographs the Ever-Changing Reflective Facade of SOM’s National Museum of the US Army

We’re excited to have our friend Dave Burk back on Project of the Week today, this time with another absolute gem crafted by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill! Feast your eyes on Dave’s photographs of the National Museum of the United States Army. With its ever-changing reflective stainless steel facade, Dave harnessed different lighting conditions and compositions that resulted in a powerful, unreplicable, and otherworldly looking series — one that we’ve all been swooning over here at the APA camp.

Check Out This Snow Laced Home in Quebec With Raphaël Thibodeau

Hey Project of the Week fans, meet my new friend Raphaël Thibodeau, an awesome Montreal-based architectural photographer! I’ve been eyeing up Raphaël’s work — and this series of Résidence Maribou by Alain Carle Architect in particular — because of its clean, understated, and natural air.

Nate Sheets Photographs A Soft Lit Contemporary Home in Middle America

Today’s project of the week takes us to a little ‘ole state that we don’t hear from too often — Kansas. We’ll be checking out this lovely house in Spring Hill, right outside of Kansas City, Kansas. It was photographed by Kansas City, Missouri based Architectural photographer Nate Sheets.

Take an Abstract Tour of La Muralla Roja With Swedish Photographer Jeanette Hägglund

Today we’re taking a trip to a place that I’ve been enthralled by for a while now! This week’s featured project takes us to sunny Calpe, Spain to a postmodern apartment complex — the fabled La Muralla Roja. Muralla Roja was designed by architect Ricardo Bofill in 1968 and is esteemed for its bold colors and blocky, labyrinth-like design.
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