Don’t Get Caught Unaware by this New Federal Reporting Requirement

A new year brings new laws that may affect your creative business. This year, there is one big change that virtually all small creative businesses need to be aware of: the Beneficial Owner Information reporting requirement.Each state has its own laws, so I can’t really speak to those (except for California)—please do check into your local rules to see if there are any important changes in your state. 

What Makes A Great Client?

If you’ve been in this photography game for any amount of time, you most likely have some clients that you love, and perhaps a few who you’d be happy to never meet again. Having high-quality clients is the bedrock of a fruitful career. Without clients, photography is just your hobby. 

Join Mike Kelley and Doublespace Photo for a one-of-a-kind Workshop in Tuscany

From April 13th – 16th 2024, myself, Amanda Large, and Younes Bounhar of doublespace photography will host an exclusive workshop for eight students at Podere Rombolino in southern Tuscany’s Val d’Orcia region. Join us as we practice architectural photography, enjoy discussions on theory, business, and craft, and of course culinary delights such as wine, cheese, and amazing views of the Italian countryside.Students

Don’t Sign Your Life Away!

Psychologically, when we receive a document that’s flattened or includes only certain spaces to add information, we are conditioned to accept it as-is (well, most of us). However, until you sign it, nothing is set in stone.

Protecting Your Time With Site Condition Clauses

Editors note: This is where we have to jump in and remind you that APALMANAC is proud to be partnered with California-based intellectual property attorney Leslie Burns. Please remember that the answers here are not legal advice, but rather for educational purposes.

Supreme Court Hands Down a Win for Photographers in Warhol V. Goldsmith

On May 18th, 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down its decision in the case of Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith. In a 7-2 vote, the Court ruled in favor of photographer Lynn Goldsmith, finding that pop artist Andy Warhol had infringed Goldsmith’s copyright in a photo she took of the music artist Prince in 1981. The outcome of the case hinged largely on the Andy Warhol Foundation’s assertion that Warhol’s use of the photo constituted “fair use.”

Finally, a split cost invoicing and licensing software built just for architectural photographers from Shared Construction Content

Regarding invoicing systems for photographers, it has always seemed like there are two options – billing software designed for wedding and real estate photographers, or on the flip side, general business invoicing systems that have nothing to do with photography. Finally, there is a new invoicing and billing system created specifically with architectural photographers in mind. The best part? The system revolves around licensing and cost sharing!

On Abundance and Value

Seems like virtually everyone talks about how there is an abundance of content creators today, how there is more creative work than ever, and how everyone is a photographer, a writer, a curator (don’t get me started on how that word is misused), a musician, whatever.

Photographing a Project Over the Course of Two Years – The Hungarian House of Music

It’s very difficult to start telling a story when you don’t really know where to start. Maybe it was in 2015 or 2016 when I first came across the visual designs, which immediately piqued my interest. An incomparable building was visible on them, one that I had never seen anywhere before, let alone in Hungary — it was a rendering of the future Hungarian House of Music.Rendering

7 Ways to Help You Win Your Next Photography Gig

After 10+ years of working in the industry, I have tried a lot of different processes for winning jobs. There is always a lot to learn from the sales process and while I have not figured everything out, I wanted to share some things that have helped me get to where I am today.Here

How Food & Beverage Photography Helps Shape the Hospitality Industry

Let’s face it when photographing in the world of Architecture & Design photography, there are often other components that we are requested to capture by the client. A staged portrait of the client, lifestyle images, or food and drink photography for the hotel or restaurant.

Basic SEO for Humans… and Architectural Photographers

When it comes to search engine optimization, the internet can feel a little like the wild west. There are endless spam emails promising fast SEO results, expensive software, dense jargon... We've put together this article to share what we know about using your architectural photography website as a marketing tool and setting it up to do the heavy lifting for you without wasting time or money.

Protect the Value of Your Work and Separate Your Fees!

Back in 2012-13, photographers got a bit of a scare with the Riensdorf v Sketchers case. In that case, the photographer brought an infringement claim against his client for exceeding the usage granted in his license. The client-defendant tried a very interesting and, for photographers, dangerous defense: it claimed that they created the ad using the image with the photographer, making the ad a work of joint authorship
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