Get A Grip With Dennis Radermacher’s 3D Printed Canon TS-E Knobby

3D Printing is a beautiful thing. It gives those with the tools and the patience the superpowers to engineer a custom solution to design problems. That’s the case of New Zealand based architectural photographer Dennis Radermacher of Lightforge Photography.Frustrated

Andy Macpherson Walks Us Through Photographing The Magnificent Prospect Terrace In Brisbane

I can’t think of a better way to kick off a new year of Project of the Weeks than with our friend, the great Andy Macpherson. Today, we’re traveling to sunny Brisbane, Australia to check out Andy’s photographs of Prospect Terrace. Prospect Terrace is a gorgeous project worked on by architect The Artificial, developer Zephyr Industries, and landscape architect LARC Collective.

Tom Kundig On The Parallels Between Mountain Climbing and Architecture

Tom Kundig is one of the founders of Seattle-based architectural firm Olson Kungdig. This podcast by Time Sensitive explores one of Tom’s greatest passions, mountain climbing, and how pursuit of the sport helped him become an internationally successful architect.

Getting Published – A Conversation Between Taran Wilkhu and Nick Compton (Wallpaper*)

A few months ago I had interviewed Taran Wilkhu, an architectural photographer from London. In late November, he was part of a discussion with Nick Compton, the Senior Editor at Wallpaper* Magazine. The talk was hosted by Design District London.Whether you are a photographer, architect, or interior designer, we all have this innate desire to see our works in print.

Geared Head Review: Arca Swiss Core 75

Finally! A review of the latest Arca Swiss geared head — the Core 75 — a.k.a the mini-cube, or the cylinder. The Core 75 is a strong contender to join the ranks of the ultimate geared head among the D4 and the C1 Cube.Even with the amount of marketing around the Core 75, it is still difficult to find accurate information or a review delving into its features and functionality.

Felix Gerlach Photographs A Sculptural Swedish Rail Station Entrance for Tengbom

This week’s featured project comes to us from Sweden and showcases a lovely piece of civic architecture designed by the architects at Tengbom. This small scale project in Helsingborg — the Southern Entrance of the Helsingborg Central rail station (Knutpunkten) — is a prime example of how aesthetic minimalism can still pack big functionality in architecture.

Capture One 21: Big Update?

When it comes to RAW photo editing software there are two major players: Lightroom and Capture One. I am always open to learning new software and I have tried to transport my whole editing process from Lr to C1 a couple of times before. C1s latest upgrade had a lot of marketing around it, so I decided to check the new features.

The Story of an Image – SOM’s Sinar Mas Plaza in Shanghai

As I continue to mature as a photographer, I am finding that I learn most from fellow peers who share a more in-depth analysis about a single image – taking us through their thought process in how they constructed the image and why they chose a certain composition or a particular way to light the scene.
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