2021 Project of the Year Award Longlist (Part One)
Project of the Year might just be one of our favorite categories. In this day and age where everyone is a photographer, it seems like anybody can take a good photograph. What separates the masters from the just-plain-lucky though, is the ability to create consistent beautiful images over and over again. APALMANAC’s 2021 Project of the Year Award is for architectural and interior photographers who are making amazing image after image, and can demonstrate that skill in an individual project.
The entries for Project of the Year were mesmerizing. After pouring through all of the submissions and their descriptions, here are the longlisted selections for the 2021 Project of the Year.
There are a massive amount of photos at hand here, and I can hear your internet speed grinding to a halt already. To show you the projects as submitted in their entirety, we’ve decided to break this list into two parts. Here is the first half:
Abdulrahman Bayashout
Elixir Bunn by AZAZ Architects as photographed by Abdulrahman Bayashout
Adam Potts
Paul Hobbs Winery as photographed by Adam Potts
Albrecht Voß
From Albrecht Voss’ Modern Alpine Architecture series
Andrea Calo
Andrea Calo’s photographs of the backyard taekwondo and yoga studio designed by Ben Newman
Andy Macpherson
Prospect Terrace by Salvador Farrajota as photographed by Andy Macpherson
Brad Feinknopf
1000 Museum by Zaha Hadid as photographed by Brad Feinknopf
Brandon Huttenlocher
Brandon Huttenlocher’s project for Rivers Edge Retreat by Eigelberger Architecture & Design with Landscape Architect Design Workshop, Inc.
Chase Daniel
The High Road by Ravel Architecture & Kopicki Design as photographed by Chase Daniel
David Chatfield

The Fish Lane redevelopment by architects Richards and Spence as photographed by David Chatfield
Corey Gaffer
Mill 19 by RIDC and designed by MSR Architects and TEN x TEN as photographed by Corey Gaffer
Darren Bradley
Dubai Villa by WaiWai as photographed by Darren Bradley
Doublespace Photography
Doublespace Photography’s project for Calgary Central Library by Snohetta in collaboration with DIALOG
Eymeric Widling
Residence in Calgary as photographed by Eymeric Widling for Waterford Homes Inc, Shaun Ford & Co., and DeJong Design Associates
Gabe Border
Dance Studio by Flansburgh Architects as photographed by Gabe Border
Gerry O’Leary

Mosque of Light as photographed by Gerry O’Leary
That’s the first half of our longlist for the 2021 Project of the Year award! You can view part two here.