Project of the Week: Adam Letch / SAOTA

Project of the Week: Adam Letch / SAOTA

This Project of The Week brings us to Cape Town, South Africa, where we find a project shot by Adam Letch. Adam is a photographer specializing in architecture and interiors who’s primary markets are Africa and Europe.

The residence, called “Beyond,” and designed by renowned South African firm SAOTA, is set on a difficult site overlooking Lion’s Head, a well-known landmark in Cape Town. The home features a mix of materials and plenty of natural light which presents multiple photographic challenges. Balancing darks and lights, capturing textures and subtle materiality, and accurately capturing size and proportion are all rather difficult in a space of this size; yet Adam’s photographs succeed brilliantly. Punchy color and well-balanced lighting guide the eye effortlessly through the home and out to the world-class view beyond.

A restrained use of wide angle lenses helps to convey the massive size of the structure and keeps compositions tight and to the point. Where appropriate, wide angle lenses are used to show sweeping vistas and strong leading lines that make for compositionally exquisite exterior photos.

Twilight photos here are especially strong, and are sure to keep this project fetching press for a long time. Congratulations Adam on a shoot well done!

Beyond: Photographs by Adam Letch, architecture by SAOTA

Wide angle used judiciously for sweeping hero shots
Well-balanced tight compositions featuring strong directional light
Perfectly captured materiality and drama in the staircase
Soft and perfectly saturated tungsten lighting adds warmth and softens a hard angular space
Nested shapes and color create strong graphic compositions
Multiple lighting sources and color casts well controlled
The one point perspective; carefully considered
Punchy exterior colors draw the eye to points of interest, in this case, amazing views over Cape Town
Strong one point perspectives enhanced by green and blue color blocking to add motion and contrast

All photos ©Adam Letch and used with permission

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Mike Kelley is an architecture and interiors photographer who has photographed projects all over the world. He is a self proclaimed airplane food enthusiast and the founder of the Architectural Photography Almanac.
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