2021 Early Career and Emerging Talent Awards Longlist
We have been absolutely blown away by the submissions for the first-ever APALMANAC Awards – especially the Early Career and Emerging Talent category.
For being relatively new to the field, so many of you out there are making incredible work that is up there with even the most seasoned pros. We sent off the mammoth amount of entries for this category to the judges, and have begun tallying up their selections. That leads us to the Early Career and Emerging Talent awards longlist, representing the best of the best in this category.
To keep this page from loading at a glacial pace, we’ve just included one staff favorite photo from each longlisted submission. Once the winners are announced, we’ll share their full submissions.
So without further ado, here is the longlist for the 2021 Architectural Photography Awards Early Career and Emerging Talent category:
Adam Potts
Adam Potts is an architectural photographer working in the San Francisco Bay Area. You can see more of Adam’s work at adampottsphotography.com
Adrian Ozimek
Adrian Ozimek is an architectural photographer based out of Toronto, Canada. See more of his work at ozimekphotography.com
Alexander Bogorodskiy
Alexander Bogorodskiy is an architectural photographer based out of Portugal. Head over to photoshoot.pt to see more of Alexander’s work.
Amy Thorp
Amy Thorp is an architectural photographer working in Saskatoon, Canada. Visit her website amythorp.com to see more of her work.
Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson specializes in environmental architectural photography and is based out of Arizona. Check out Andrew’s work on avimageworks.com.
Anton Ivanov
Anton Ivanov is a photographer working in St. Petersburg, Russia. See more of Anton’s work at antonivanovphoto.work
Brandon Huttenlocher

Brandon Huttenlocher is a photographer living in Colorado. Head over to brandonhuttenlocher.com to see more of his work.
Brock Beazley
Brock Beazley is an architectural photographer based out of Brisbane, Australia. Brock’s website is brockbeazleyphotography.com
Cameron Murchison
Cameron Murchison is an architectural photographer working in Brisbane, Australia. See Cameron’s work at cammurchison.com
Carlos Velez
Carlos Velez is a photographer in Medellín, Colombia. See more of Carlos’ work at carlosvelezphoto.com.
César Belio

César Belio is an architectural photographer based in Mexico. You can see César’s work at cesarbelio.com.
Christian Pichlkastner
Christian Pichlkastner is an Austrian architectural photographer. See more of his work at pichlkastner.at.
David Spence
David Spence is an architectural photographer based in Madrid, Spain. You can view David’s work on his website davidspence.es
Ethan Gordon

Ethan Gordon is an architectural photographer in Northern California. Head over to Ethan’s website ethan-gordon.com to learn a bit more.
Felix Mooneeram

Felix Mooneeram is a photographer hailing from the UK. Hop over to felixmooneeram.co.uk to see more work.
Grant Davis

Grant Davis is an architectural photographer in Manawatu, New Zealand. Grant’s website is grantdavis.co.
Jacob McNeil

Jacob McNeil is an architectural photographer whose work can be found at jacobmcneilphotography.com.
Jacqueline Young

Jacqueline Young of Stationpoint Photographic is an architectural photographer based in Winnipeg, Canada. See more of Jacqueline’s work at stationpointphotographic.com.
Joe Thomas

Joe Thomas is a New York based architectural photographer. See Joe’s work at joethomasphoto.com.
Kelly McCaskill

Kelly McCaskill of Ridgelight Studio is based in New Hampshire. See more work at ridgelightstudio.com.
Kendall McCaugherty
Kendall McCaugherty is an architectural photographer and partner at Hall + Merrick + McCaugherty. See more of Kendall’s work at hallmerrick.com.
Kevin Moravec
Kevin Moravec is the photographer for Hufft, working out of Kansas City, Mo., and Bentonville, Ark. Learn more about Kevin at hufft.com.
Kristian Alveo

Kristian Alveo is a photographer and graphic designer. See more of Kristian’s work on Instagram @kalveo or on designvsbuild.com.
Luke O’Donovan
Luke O’Donovan is an architectural photographer working in London. See Luke’s work at lukeodonovan.co.uk.
Melissa Kelsey

Melissa Kelsey is an architectural photographer working in Utah. Head over to melissakelseyphotography.com to see more of her work.
Nicholas Doyle
Nicholas Doyle is an architectural photographer based out of the Hudson River Valley, NY. His website is nsdoyle.com.
Paola Quevedo
Paola Quevedo is an architectural photographer based in Puerto Rico. See more of Paola’s work at pquevedos.com.
Parrish Ruiz de Velasco

Parrish Ruiz de Velasco is an architectural photographer splitting time between Denver and Dallas. See more of Parrish’s work at parrch.com
Piotr Hraptovich

Piotr Hraptovich is an architectural photographer in Basel, Switzerland. See Piotr’s work at hraptovich.com.
Shoayb Khattab
Shoayb Khattab is an architectural photographer working in Dubai. See more of Shoayb’s work at shoayb.net.
Victor Vieaux

Victor Vieaux is an architectural photographer in Melbourne, Australia. Head over to Victor’s website victorvieaux.com to see more.
Vladimir de Mollerat du Jeu

Vladimir de Mollerat du Jeu is a French architectural photographer. See more work at vladimirdmdj.com.
Wellu Hämäläinen

Wellu Hämäläinen is Finnish architectural photographer. See more of his work at welluhamalainen.com.
Whitney Kamman
Whitney Kamman is an architectural photographer based out of Bozeman, Montana. See more of her work at whitneykamman.com.
We received so many incredible submissions and are excited to share the 2021 Emerging Talent winner and runner-up with you soon!