Architectural Photography in Austin – Casey Dunn Discusses His Philosophy and Career
Regrettably, this interview was conducted almost one year ago with the plan to do a ‘part two’ but life and work have been so insanely busy for both Casey and myself that it just never happened. So before another year goes by, I figured I better at least get this part of the interview posted and hopefully in the future, we can do a second part.

Before watching this video interview, I highly encourage you to embark on a journey through Casey’s portfolio of work through his website and his Instagram. Casey’s images are a feast for the eyes and a ton of inspiration can be drawn from his compositions, his staging and his sophisticated use of color correction.

In this interview, Casey and I discuss all kinds of topics but focus a bit less on the gear and the techniques and a bit more on the philosophies, ideas and creative approach to capturing images. We also discuss his numerous published books and how this personal work has influenced his aesthetic and his career.
Many thanks to Casey for taking the time to sit down and chat with me and for sharing his ideas, wisdom and experience with all of us at APAlmanac!