A Conversation with Architect Eric Reinholdt and Photographer Trent Bell

A Conversation with Architect Eric Reinholdt and Photographer Trent Bell

Photographer Trent Bell and architect Eric Reinholdt recently teamed up to make this video and and the result is a rare insight into both the mind of an architect and a photographer. Eric as designer and Trent as his long time photographer have a great relationship and it shows; and the insight provided by their creative relationship is very valuable.

Turns out that both Trent and Eric studied architecture and began working in an architecture studio after school, but their paths both diverged soon after. Eric soon discovered that the vision of architect in his head didn’t quite match up to the reality: After working on some of the most mundane aspects of design, he says he didn’t quite see a light at the end of a tunnel. His fate as an employee was sealed when he realized he would spend years with the client designing, refining, and seeing a project through to completion, but at the end of the day he wasn’t the one getting credit for the work. It was time to break away and start his own firm as an owner, a daunting path but if the bug bites there’s no turning back.

Trent jumped right into starting an architecture business with a friend which ended up turning sour, leaving him at odds with a friend and nursing a struggling business. As life progressed, he realized he’d never be happy as an employee and so was born his photography business which today has become very successful, serving clients all over New England, creating gorgeous work of beautiful projects.

Eric’s insight to me is brilliant – as I see so many parallels between my career and his. Success in a freelance field really comes down to blazing your own path in your own strange way, and no two paths are ever going to be quite the same. At a little over an hour long, it’s a big chunk and a lot to digest, but absolutely perfect background discussion as you edit.

Eric’s work can be seen here, and Trent’s photography can be seen here.

Mike Kelley is an architecture and interiors photographer who has photographed projects all over the world. He is a self proclaimed airplane food enthusiast and the founder of the Architectural Photography Almanac.
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