Leslie Burns

Copyright Lawyer

After seeing how creatives got screwed so often in business, I decided I’d love to go to law school to protect them better. It took a while before I could make that happen, financially, but in 2008 I got offered a full scholarship and leapt at the chance. I loved law school. I passed the California bar on the first try and have been licensed and practicing in California since 2011.

I call myself a “bad buddhist” and you’ll see references to that in my work and writings here. Basically, it means I try to use respect, compassion, and a desire to resolve problems amicably whenever possible. However, when needed, I’m as tenacious as a badger. Think Carol Kane in Scrooged–sweet, but more than capable of going all lawyer-ninja on opponents.

A Midwesterner until my 30s, I now live in San Diego with my boyfriend (Tony), cat (Ruth Bader Catzburg), and Blue Heeler (Mongo Santamaria).

Don’t Get Caught Unaware by this New Federal Reporting Requirement

A new year brings new laws that may affect your creative business. This year, there is one big change that virtually all small creative businesses need to be aware of: the Beneficial Owner Information reporting requirement.Each state has its own laws, so I can’t really speak to those (except for California)—please do check into your local rules to see if there are any important changes in your state. 

Protecting Your Time With Site Condition Clauses

Editors note: This is where we have to jump in and remind you that APALMANAC is proud to be partnered with California-based intellectual property attorney Leslie Burns. Please remember that the answers here are not legal advice, but rather for educational purposes.

On Abundance and Value

Seems like virtually everyone talks about how there is an abundance of content creators today, how there is more creative work than ever, and how everyone is a photographer, a writer, a curator (don’t get me started on how that word is misused), a musician, whatever.

Protect the Value of Your Work and Separate Your Fees!

Back in 2012-13, photographers got a bit of a scare with the Riensdorf v Sketchers case. In that case, the photographer brought an infringement claim against his client for exceeding the usage granted in his license. The client-defendant tried a very interesting and, for photographers, dangerous defense: it claimed that they created the ad using the image with the photographer, making the ad a work of joint authorship

Hard Truths and Sage Business Advice From a Photography Rep-Turned-Lawyer

I used to be a marketing consultant and rep to commercial photographers, before I went to law school. When I work with photographers now, I see a lot of the same issues arising, both legal-and marketing-related. So, in a holiday gift to help, here’s a list of 15 things I think you should/should not do to be more successful in 2023:If anyone talks about ROI or value propositions or anything else that smacks of weasel-in-a-suit when it comes to your marketing, run away.

Architectural Photography & The Law: Property Releases

APALMANAC is proud to be partnered with California-based intellectual property attorney Leslie Burns. Leslie is back on the blog this month to answer another reader’s question about intellectual property and the law.Please remember that the answers here are not legal advice, but rather for educational purposes.

Architectural Photography & The Law: Licensing Fees

Architectural Photography Almanac has partnered with Leslie Burns, an intellectual property attorney based California to answer reader questions about intellectual property and the law. By far the most common reader questions have to do with licensing, fair use, and intellectual property infringement and enforcement, so we thought it was the right time to make a commitment getting a professional involved to help architectural photographers around the world better understand copyright law and avoid the headaches and chicanery that go along with navigating the world of image use and rights.After
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